Friday, February 11, 2011

Geography and Demographic in Korea

Korea is a hilly nation that extends from northeastern to south-southeast part of China. Taebaek along the east coast is formed by north-northwest and south-southeast trend. The east coast shows features of topography mainly the straight shoreline, while the west coast has the features of an immersing shoreline.  All through the country, mountains are not high but they are found everywhere.
            Korea is consisted of Precambrian rocks such as granite gneisses and other metamorphic rocks. Palezoic strata’s two separate blocks are found in South and North Korea. The one in the North happens near Pyongyang and the one in South covers the Taebaek range. In the southeastern part can be found in Mesozoic strata and in some small areas scattered around the peninsula the Cenzoic strata can be found. Korea has no active volcanoes and unusual earthquakes.

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